Chapter 210 - Charge

Then, Li Qiong led the 10 of them to the camp at the back!

Li Qiong was different from Liu Guangshi, his nature was far more cautious! Even if he had only encountered a few thousand people's sniping tonight, he still treated it as an important matter and thought that she had to report this to Qin Gui and the others in detail!

He continued moving forward. An hour later, he arrived at the camp behind them.

"Hurry up and bring me to see Lord Qin!" Li Qiong dismounted from his horse and rushed over to a patrolling Academy Officer.

After the Academy Officer inquired about Li Qiong's identity and background, he immediately brought Li Qiong to the center of the army camp!

Qin Gui had originally been asleep, but after someone reported to him, Qin Gui immediately crawled back up. He put on his clothes and allowed Li Qiong to enter.

"What happened?" Qin Gui said.

He knew that the reason Li Qiong had come so late was definitely because she had something important to report!

"Lord Qin, my General Liu led twenty thousand cavalrymen to chase after Emperor Xuanwu. Who knew that while we were in Southern Mountain, we encountered enemies!" Li Qiong said.

"How many enemies are there?" Qin Gui was surprised, and said.

"About five or six thousand men, all cavalry!" Li Qiong said.

"Tell me the details of the battle!" Qin Gui said.

"There is a high slope. Just as our twenty thousand cavalrymen arrived near the slope, the enemy suddenly rushed down from above! Although their numbers are not as great as ours, they appeared too suddenly, so we are not their match! After that, General Liu led the defeated troops and gathered with the 70,000 infantry, wanting to lead the troops to annihilate the enemy troops, but I stopped them! " Li Qiong said.

"You did well! It is too dark now, and if we make a move now, we might fail again! " Qin Gui nodded and fell into deep thought.

"Lord Qin, I wonder how many soldiers and horses Emperor Xuanwu has? I am afraid that Southern Mountain still has an ambush! " Li Qiong said.

"The Emperor Xuanwu will definitely not have more soldiers and horses! I have already investigated all the information clearly. Right now, Emperor Xuanwu only have a few Managed warriors who are accompanying him to protect him. Those should be his subordinates! The Emperor Xuanwu would not be able to find any more troops! Tomorrow, when our army comes down, they can only slip away with their tails between their legs! But Managed is here, it seems like Emperor Xuanwu did not escape too far! We need to catch up to them as soon as possible! " Qin Gui said.

Li Qiong also nodded.

"You don't need to go back tonight, just rest here!" When the time comes, you will first pass Southern Mountain, then go to Wu Gong County, Fu Feng County and other places. You will definitely be able to catch up to them! " Qin Gui said.

"Lord Qin is right!" Li Qiong nodded.

Zong Ze's residence was not very far away from Li Qiong. After Li Qiong arrived, Zong Ze was also shocked awake!

Zong Ze was originally very tired, but at the moment, he had difficulty falling asleep!

He thought for a moment, then called chieftain of the allied army Wang Yan in!

The two of them were sitting in the military camp, while the people below were warming up the wine! Initially, drinking was not allowed in the army camp, but the military discipline in King Kang's army was terrible! Especially since there was no such word as "military discipline" in the allied army! As long as the chieftain of the allied army met them, they would definitely gulp down their wine and eat huge chunks of meat. Zong Ze had been taming the rebel army all these years, so he had naturally gotten used to it!

"What is Li Qiong doing here?" Zong Ze took a big gulp of wine, feeling a little calmer in his heart, he said.

"Oh? They were ambushed in the Southern Mountain? Do you still have any subordinates from the Southern Mountain? " Zong Ze said.

"Five or six thousand people!" Wang Yandao.

"Liu Guangshi is useless with weapons, five to six thousand people are enough for him to suffer a huge loss!" Zong Ze said.

"My lord, I feel more and more that something is amiss!" Wang Yan lowered his head and thought for a moment, then suddenly said.

"What's wrong with that?" Zong Ze said.

"I feel that our allied armies should not help the Emperor Jianyan to deal with the Emperor Xuanwu!" Wang Yandao.

"AHH!" How could you have such a thought? " Zong Ze said in disbelief.

"Master, do you know what Emperor Jianyan has done over the years? He led his troops to Jiangnan, where he spent most of his time in the capital. Afterwards, he spent most of his time in the imperial palace of Hangzhou, where he continued to recruit beautiful women. He was completely out of his mind! When the Jin Army went south, he only dared to flee in a panic, to come to the surface of the sea! It has already been three to four years since Jing Kang died, and he did not have any thoughts of attacking the north. Yet, he wanted us to attack Emperor Xuanwu instead. No matter what, the Emperor Xuanwu is the first son of the Supreme Emperor, a legitimate Crown Prince. At that time, it was because the Emperor Xuanwu was young that we supported the Emperor Jianyan! However, although the Emperor Xuanwu was young, he was wise and wise. First, he killed Zhe Keqiu. Furthermore, I just received news that Wanyan Zongwang's and Wanyan Loushi's hundred thousand strong army has been utterly defeated by the's Imperial Guards! "Right now, the Imperial Guards are hunting down the Dukedom!" Wang Yandao.

"What?" How was this possible? This time, it was Wanyan Zongwang himself who led the army. That Wanyan Zongwang was the genuine and famous female commander-in-chief, completely different from Wan Yanhuonv, how could he possibly be defeated by the Imperial Guard? How did you get the news? " Zong Ze immediately asked.

"The Fuping area is littered with the bodies of women! Many commoners saw it with their own eyes! Lord, there can be no mistake about this news! However, this news is of great importance and has not been spread out yet. Only a few people in the allied army know about it. " Wang Yandao.

"How could this be? How could this be? " Zong Ze was a little dazed.

"In comparison, the Emperor Xuanwu is like a real king of the Song Dynasty, he is the true ruler! He had the Imperial Jade Seal in his hands, the symbol of the emperor who had been passed down from Qin Shihuang! The more Emperor Jianyan sees him, the more he doesn't seem like the Emperor. Many of us from the allied army started discussing and were unwilling to follow Emperor Jianyan! " Wang Yandao.

Zong Ze stood there blankly, and did not speak for a long time!

"My lord, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave first!" Regarding the matter of the Imperial Guard's defeat, please inform Qin Gui! " Wang Yandao.

"Alright!" Zong Ze nodded.

Wang Yan had already left. When Zong Ze came out of the tent, he let the cold wind blow on his face. After a long while, he let out a long sigh! Back then, he was the one bringing countless of allies to support Zhao Gou. He believed that Zhao Gou could become the next head of the generation, and could take over Song Dynasty! At this moment, his heart was filled with incomparable regret!

"Forget it!" A loyal subject does not have two masters! No matter what, I am a subordinate of the Emperor Jianyan, I cannot betray the Emperor Jianyan! I will never forget this word of loyalty! " Zong Ze secretly thought.

The military camp slowly quieted down, and the clamoring noises gradually disappeared as well! The army of hundreds of thousands had gradually fallen into a deep slumber.

The snow was falling harder and harder. At the moment, Zhao Chen and Kang An were leading the five thousand Royal soldiers s on a hurried journey, not towards the east, but towards the north!

They had already walked for two hours, and the wasteland was completely silent. Besides the heavy snow and wild beasts, they could not see anything else!

"At this point, no one will notice!" Zhao Chen laughed.

Kang An nodded.

"Let's check out the enemy camp first!" Zhao Chen said again.

Right then, a dozen of Managed Cavalry soldiers advanced towards the southeast direction!

Zhao Chen led his army towards the east! They walked for another hour!

At this moment, the soldiers who were investigating had already returned and reported back the situation of the enemy camp!

It was only now that Zhao Chen finally brought the army and headed south!

This time, they had made a huge detour to ensure that they were not discovered by the enemy!

When they were still 15 miles away from the enemy camp, Zhao Chen made the army stop.

All the soldiers immediately dismounted and led their horses forward! By doing this, the enemy would not be able to sense the sound of the ground shaking as the cavalry moved about, and would be harder to detect!

The snow was already a foot thick. They were walking in the snow! Many Royal soldiers s were still walking while eating to replenish their energy!

"Get on the horse!" Prepare to charge! " Zhao Chen gave the order!

The five thousand Royal soldiers s all mounted their horses, and followed Zhao Chen as they rushed forward!

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